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Male Masturbation Techniques And Tips From YOU!

the sexarizer

lotion and thats alll

The Legs-Closed

when i sit down i put my left hand(or right hand forlefties) under neath my balls and close my legs. i then jerkoff and the sensation is amazing. you feel the juice comingout!!!

Solo Grind / Old Faithful

I still use my right hand alot but also use a pillow. I’vetried different toys and gadgets with varying degrees ofsuccess.

The Peace Action

Dim light, completely naked, perhaps with my underwear overmy nose


by pulling and pushing the penis with one hand

the best technique.

Laying on my back with hips up and down as in having sex.

the best technique.

Laying on my back with hips up and down as in having sex.

I dont have a name

When times are tough, just imagine sexual visions, rub fastand hard. Otherwise, watch movies and rub slowly until itcomes

never thought about a name!

I love to lie back on my bed and grip my cock just below thehead with my right hand. As i stoke, my index fingerstimulates the sweet spot underneath.. with my left hand imassage my balls and also the area just underneath my balls.

Multiple sessions with only 1 orgasm.

Multiple sessions with only 1 orgasm.

menage a cock n balls

reverse left-hand grip. Shoot load into my hand or my bellybutton. stroke my balls with my right middle finger.Simulates balls being licked while being ridden.


The best way to masturbate in class is just to wip itout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8=================================D Thatis my penis.^

The Penis Show

I enjoy masturbating for my wife. She sure enjoys the show.She loves to see how much and how far I can spurt (best whenstanding). Then I wipe up the largest blob of semen and lickit off my fingers. Occasionally she’ll rub the semen into myskin like lotion.

The face filler

Lying on my back lube my cock with baby oil then just useingmy thumb and two thingers slowely stroke up and down yourcock squeezing your head. Then when im about to shoot i putmy legs over my head and shoot all over my face and int mymouth.


on all fours jacking onto a sheet


Just with my hand

Mattress Pump

fill a baggie with a lot of lube, stick it inbetween twomattresses, then stick you dick in the bag and startpumping,it feels great

the cock head vibrator method

I use a hand held vibrator made by (wahl) with a cupattachment for the head of my penis, with 2 variable speedsit gives a powerful orgasm

Thumping or Smacking the Wood

For this to your erection must be fully hard. After strokingyour penis until fully hard hold it with two fingers nearthe base. Flick your wrist to cause your penis to wave upand down quickly. Use this motion to thump the shaft, justbehind the head, against a firm surface ie. the heel of yourother hand. Finally when about to orgasm start thumping thehead. I find this works best without lube.

the rub

rub the testies while stroking

porn model

watching porn I try to jerk off at the same rithm and toshoot at the same moment as the man on my PC

my way

i just take it out and start going at it

I call it fun

Save up for several days (4-5).Go very slowly and hold backas long as possible ….. use plenty of lube.

I call it the oldy but goody

Straight hand to dick, no lube, hard, fast, all the way tilli blow the big load!


Lying on my bed I use lots of baby oil and slowly stroke mymember up and down & over the head for maximum effect. Whliedoing that I also pinch my nipples with the otherhand(sometimes I use a peg for the nipple I can’t reach).For further effect I watch myself in the mirror of myheadboard and if my partner is doing it like to watch her doit for me while she sucks my nipple. It is better than ablowjob I promise you – TRY IT!

plug & cover

I like to insert a small butt plug and put my underwear backon, or when i feel naughty i’ll wear my wifes silk panties.Then I either get in a warm ahower or lube up my penis andstroke as usual. the feeling of the soft fabric combinedwith the ananl stimulation produce a very intence orgasm.

plug me

I like to finger myself, or use a vibrator, it makesmasturbating so much better.

The True Hand Experience

Lie on your bed stomach down with you hand under your body,holding your penis loosly (or loosely) and expirience thetrue pleasures of the hand. It will last 5 minutes at least

dirty hole

hard and fast

Totally Decadant Full Body Orgasm

In front of a mirror, watch myself take off my clothes.Socks last. Love to play with my feet and nipples. I canreach both nipples, and I rub both with one hand and rub mypenis against my feet with the other. Sitting in front of amirror on a towel with a bottle of lotion is my favorite. Ilotion up my feet, nipples and penis. When possible, I usetwo mirrors so I can get a couple of views. At age 49, I canstill cum just rubbing my feet and nipples at the same time.I go to the "edge" several times, eating my precum and thenultimately, still looking in the mirror, I jack off slowlyuntil I cum, again. It’s sometimes a drier orgasm, becauseI’ve already cum several times, but very intense. I thinkthe older you get, the better. Some of it being experienceand just not having the guilt you have when you’re young.I’ve been in a gay relationship for 20 yrs and sex is great,but never give up masturbating. I love to be watched by him,and vis-versa.

Totally Decadant Full Body Orgasm

In front of a mirror, watch myself take off my clothes.Socks last. Love to play with my feet and nipples. I canreach both nipples, and I rub both with one hand and rub mypenis against my feet with the other. Sitting in front of amirror on a towel with a bottle of lotion is my favorite. Ilotion up my feet, nipples and penis. When possible, I usetwo mirrors so I can get a couple of views. At age 49, I canstill cum just rubbing my feet and nipples at the same time.I go to the "edge" several times, eating my precum and thenultimately, still looking in the mirror, I jack off slowlyuntil I cum, again. It’s sometimes a drier orgasm, becauseI’ve already cum several times, but very intense. I thinkthe older you get, the better. Some of it being experienceand just not having the guilt you have when you’re young.I’ve been in a gay relationship for 20 yrs and sex is great,but never give up masturbating. I love to be watched by him,and vis-versa.

Virtual Sex

I put a plastic baggie that has lube throughout the insidethen stick it in between the mattress and box springs of mybed and hump away. It feels just like sex.


my favorite masturbation it is in the glande of penise orwithe presion of water

Sheep Shagging technique

Get 2 foam pillows and slit them open so some of thestuffing shows through and looks like wool. Put your erectpenis into a plastic bag lubricated with cooking oil and putit wetween the pillows. Squeeze hard, hump away and thing ofyour favourite sheep.

Peter North ejaculations for amateurs

I can masturbate for over 2 hours (like explained intechnique #2) before having an orgasm. I now can fullycontrol my orgasm. At the moment of my ejaculation I don’tstroke, but at the moment of every contraction I squeeze myPC muscle. This intensifies the ejaculation and I even hadsome "Peter North" ejaculations, firing away 5-7 shots overa distance of a metre. This also is because the prostate canproduce more fluid in the 2 hour masturbation time. Butafter the real shots I start stroking again, more gently onthe glance and I can prolonge the orgasm for 1-2 minutes. Ithink that having multiple orgasms won’t work with thistechnique, I am completely exhausted after the orgasm. Butwhile having intercourse I also can (if I want) go on forever unless she does a good blow- or handjob.

A new ‘sliding scale’

Lube forearm & penis. Extend same forearm down over erectpenis, grabbing testicles. Using motion of buttocks, slidepenis up and down wrist & forearm till ejaculation.

x factor.

Back hand tug.

get my load off

simple stroking up and down

dilldo jerkingg off quick

put a dilldo up my ass move up down unill i get hard thenhold then sart jacking off you will go quick but it is verygood and shot out alot a cum


LAYING naked on side lubed penis strokin slowly whilestimulating anal with figer or vibrator

Orgasmic Technique

I like to use one hand and masturbate normaly then i use myother hand and slighty make circles around the tip of thepenus

the endless vagina

i put one hand on my cock and slide it down slowly then iput my other hand on top and slide down again and i repeatthe process until orgasm and yes it requires lube.

I call it the finger up the ass techinque

Here is one good way of getting a good cum load whenmasterbating. First thing is first this techinque is greatif there is one or more guys with you and it also works ifyou are masterbating by yourself. First thing you or otherguys that are with you have them or yourself shove a fingeror object up your ass and has you slowly start jerking offmove the object or finger slowly up and down. Each time youspeed up the jerk off motion do the same with the object orfinger.

i call it the nasty baby(fetal position)

I like to lay on my side with my hard penis pulled backbetween my legs seperating my testicles and my kneestogether and slowly stroke or wet jelq until i have anorgasm .sometimes i even put a finger in my anus whilestroking.



stop and go

stop and go, just before you cum stop, wait a couple secondsand then repeat taht till you cant handle it anymore

the ring touch

make a circle out of your thumb and ring finger. stroke thering up and down the shaft, barely touching it. Be sure togo over the head, but touching lightly. Do not push evenwhen you want to. This technique takes a while but it is thehardest and juciest orgasm I ever have.

The slow and fast and let it go techinque.

For me to get a good squirt I like to see naked pictures ofguys. Or by have a playgirl magazine next to me. When Istart I go slow and switch hands. Than five minutes I speedup and than slow down for five minutes I do this three or 4times and then I let loose until I cum.

jakulero to the max

holding it while rubbing it as i thinking of sexualfantasies

I would rather do it by hand

I like to jack it off until I feel the cum heat coming upthe shaft then stop and let the few drops come out, the Istart pumping fast again until the same thing happens, anddo this for about a hour. It feel fantastic.

i cal it…. the pillow style

sandwiching my dick on a pillow against my bed.. heheheheh

the silky tickeler

tickeling my hard cock through my saturnboxershorts, thenremoving then and massageing them and then slapping on alittle lube to finish he long, 2 hour jack off session

upside down stroke

i lay down and turn my hand upside down and go up and downand pretend she is on top

The sissy bater

i like it when i rub my nipples while stroking up and down.then when i am about to cum i point my penis up to the mouthand eat the cum it taste kinda good.

lemon marange

Suck your own penis, then drink your own cum. It’s veryhealthy and rich in protien. Sperm is very tasty when mixedwith lemon juice, yum yum

Le vagin Simulatour

J’aime beacoup le traditionale methode. Ma pere taught moi ala existinge nude.


hump the pillow when wearing saturn boxers


I just jack off like most guys do, one hand, nothing tospeicial. But i do want something more exciting.

The three-timer

I use my middle finger and flick my penis back and forthunil sperm. Then I rub my hands up nad down. Then I willstroke from my balls, all the way to the top.

the spray, the lover increasing metod, the fervent vibration

when you are getting close, try to stop. This may soundsomehow stupid, but it would help you to become a betterlover. Also another is puting a strong vibrator, or sprayingwater over your cock.

Cold dead fish

With dead sheep

the vibration technique

just take your penis in hand strke in up and down slowlyuntil receiving sensations that require attention keep goingslowlywith intervals of stopping to get juicy and realhorney, prefer with another male and he can then suck orstroke it for me as the orgassims get handy he receive ahand or mouth full of my pleasure. would you like to try.

fun both ways

the basic single-hand grip—-switching hands occasionally

Hanging the Towel

I love to masturbate while lying down on the floor. But thebest part are the sensations you get when you put a towel onyour foot, put your foot in the air, and have the towelbrushing against your anus and ball sack. The sensation isGREAT! I can shot my load almost up to my mouth while doingthis techniqe!!!

the vagina simulator

endless vagina


i like to wear a pair of silky girl panties and carress myshaft and nuts while watching a porno


i like to wear a pair of silky girl panties and carress myshaft and nuts while watching a porno

animal stimulator

i use animals


Well, lets just say that i have plenty of jacking offexperience…the best thing is to jack off the upper portionwhile you grab the ball sak and bull it out…sorta likestretching it. for some reson it relly turns me on.

the fuck

i just fuck with my self

dick tickle

just rub it!

the sexual fantasy

using hand lying on the stomatch

tom and terry going at it

playing video of wife doing it with me or herself,sometimesput vibrating dildo in ass’ . works every time.

tom and terry going at it

playing video of wife doing it with me or herself,sometimesput vibrating dildo in ass’ . works every time.

PC muscle controlling

Tao’s practice

i put something in my anus

i put my left hand over my balls and my thumb of my lefthand around the bottom of my shaft of my dick, then sense imnot circumsised i take my right hand and mive the foreskinup and down until i cum

Fucking the Women of the World

I sit in front of the computer and can quickly change pagesas I message my member. I start by getting a full erectionand then I slowly stroke as I change pictures. I may standup and admire my member from time to time. Then I sit downand look at some more pictures. Sometimes it may take meabout an hour to reach full orgasm. I also secrete somefluid as I masturbate. I have even gone as far as to tastemy own secretion. It tastes sweet to me. Anyway, once I getto a picture that appeals to me I will lose my load all overand I will moan slightly because it feels so damn good. Atthat time, I am wishing the chick was with me. Another thingthat is good with the internet masturbation, I can fuck fatchicks, skinny chicks, old chicks and they can give me footjobs. I love the internet. Anyway, that is my story.

vigina replacement

1 hand up and down


rub the head of your penis with the palm of your hand

I love you, Puffs

Tissue wrap


Masturbationg with a condom on better than lotion


i like to take my dick and rub it on the bed, either againstmy hand or on something really soft. it feels great, andsometimes i kind of grind against the pillow or a pair ofcum’d in panties

double dose

2 hands with lube…and a good porn movie

The Thigh Vagina

I lie on my stomach in my bed. Hold on to my penis andgently rub in between my thighs. THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS TOO!

5 way

If I really want to get myself off hard and strong, I havefour basic toys: warm olive oil, weed, a hot solo girlvideo, poppers, and my wifes 8"x1.5" dildo. First I twist anice fat one and fire it up. Then I put in the video of somehot girl or guy masturbating. Once I’m hard from justwatching, I’ll lube up my cock and asshole, maybe take a hitoff the poopers and while I’m doing this, I’ll slowly sit onthe dildo and let it slide up my ass. I keep working my cockvery slowly, and when my hand gets up to the head of mycock, I’ll do small circles around the head. I keep this upfor as long as I can, usually 15 minutes or so, and when I’mclose to coming, I stop totally, and don’t touch my cock atall till it starts to get a little bit limp. Then I startall over again. When I’m really worked up, I’ll starthumping that dildo, and feel it sliding in and out of ass.I’ll do this 6 or 7 times, starting and stopping till myballs are so tight and my cock is aching. Then, I reallystart humping that dildo hard and fast, and usaually I comewithout even touching my cock. I time my orgasm with thegirl/guy in the video, and I shoot a huge load that spurts 4or 5 feet into the air. At this point I’m totally wasted,and just ease down, clean up and relax!!!!

Ice cee creeam

When I know I will be alone all day I will put an ice cubeon my penis and pull the sking over it with hand lotion.then i will sometimes us a rubberband tihgt to keep the icein. I will then use a vibrator on my pubes after a fewminutes of the burning sensation I will explode and leavethe ice and cum becuse anyhow the ice will melt and it sortof has a bleeding or peeng sensation. I dont do this tooften because the ice will burn and you will becomedesensitised.

The tug

I like to tie a rubber band (used for exercise) round myscrotum and round my foot, either one and pull on it as harda i can whilst masterbating… Also vary this by using atornique round the base of my penis and scrotum similar tieround my foot and give it a damn good pull

The Cushion Push

I like to put my penis between the cushions of a sofa or armchair with a blanket around and I pump and thrust my penisin and out of the hole that I make

The sleeping bag

What I do is i insert my penis into a tight rolled upsleeping bag. Make sure you are wearing a condom orsomething so that cum dosen’t go on the sleeping bag. Usingthis technique you have your hands free to stimulate otherparts of your body

Tip that Shit

I like it hard…. I jack off regularily and then make acircling motion with the other hand on the tip of thepenis… This is one of the best orgasms I have ever had!

Shower power

Remove shower head, squat on floor,let powerful jet of waterhit yr frenulum of yr erect cock….gives intense multipleorgasms!

I call it SLOW-MO-GO-CO

I bought a pussy and ass device that is vERY tight and makesme cum in seconds. The thing I’m working on is holding offmy orgasm for when I’m fucking a real pussy. Women get alldisappointed when you come in a minute or two. So I put on acock and ass vibrator and fuck away. Just when I’m about toexplode a suddenly stop. Things subside and then I go at itagain. I’m up to about a half hour before I can’t hold itany more. Now that’s an orgasm Another technique is tostroke extremely slow. It should take about 20 or 30 minutesto cum. But when you do. POW! It is the most inrense orgasmyet. My knees and elbows tingle and waves of warm rushesover my stomac and my cock throbs for about ten seconds. Itis really well worth the wait to take your time.


using four fingers to cover the head of the penis

The Wet Dream

I actually started rubbing to a mannequin which my motherdoesnt use. Then finally the genius part. Put oil ,slipperyas it is it feels so real,(warning dont get addictive)Depends on wat kinda mannequin i had a standing mannequin icould reach her from behind and front etc. Its amazing I dogand suck her breast while im facing her front and makethings really wet. It’s kinda addictive if u keep on gettingto this so dont make a habbit. but its good. I give her sexyclothes dress her up kinda like my own big (not little)dolly so i can play with her.

Knicker Wank!

You cannot beat! the use of the hand in conjunction with apair of second hand knickers! It always works for me."Wonderfully" Robert

hand ejaculation

hand ejaculation

teh natural

Two fingers pressing down my balls and my left hand pumping


feather duster

smooth cock

I hold my balls tight and pull down with one hand and jackoff with the other.

The male clitoris

I find that if you stray from the typical "up and down" youwill be very pleased. On the front of the penis(the sidethat faces outward when erect) you should notice a smallfleshy spot on the "seam" that will get pinkish if rubbedgently. This is the most sensitive part of your penis. Ifyou use one hand to pull down on the front of your penis(when erect) to pull the skin taught, then use a couple offingers to stimulate the pink spot, you will feel immensepleasure. I’ve found that masterbating this way, the feelingleading up to orgasm is almost as intense as the orgasmitself.

live porn

I stay naked before the mirror watching my balls and mybutts

dont know

using my hands watching or reading porn

one handed jobber

I just grab my cock with one hand and go at it!

be masturbated by a friend

slow stroking.

Stop and Go

My favotite masturbation techniques is the "Stop and Go" Iwould slide myu penis in and out of my masturbation toy. andwhen I am about to ejaculate I will stop, and wait for aminute and start up again. I would do this as long as I canhandle it, and I try to last a long time, because the bettermy oorgasm is, (THe more intense my orgasm is) I can lastanywhere between 15 minutes to a whole hour.

Stop and Go

My favotite masturbation techniques is the "Stop and Go" Iwould slide myu penis in and out of my masturbation toy. andwhen I am about to ejaculate I will stop, and wait for aminute and start up again. I would do this as long as I canhandle it, and I try to last a long time, because the bettermy oorgasm is, (THe more intense my orgasm is) I can lastanywhere between 15 minutes to a whole hour.

the stimulator

on my feet, dick pointed up, stop and go

not so gay

i have my male buddy suck on my penis and then he sticks mypenis in his butthole

the assgasm

I think of little gurls or old ladies stuff likethat…..when i almost orgasm i stop…i repeat ithoutcumming 5 times.i then find someting to stick up my ass anddo it till i cum..

vagina effect

fucking a melon or honey dew

The remix

Making an "o" with your index and thumb and stroking myselfwith just that for a while.

shower ballon

1. thumb on top other 3 or 4 fingers below and go ahead2.fill water balloon with shaving cream, where tightunderwear turn on the shower, insert baloon into underwearinfront of the penis, get in shower,begin touching the penisto arouse it and get an errection, poke baloon with pin andmasterbate as fast and hard as possible

vibration technique

yanking my penis back and forth

the one hander

one hand

suck for your self

First i take my mouth and suck muself for a little while andthe i jack off until i cum all over the place. I have a 9inch dick, is that long enough?

ankits magic

single hand

anal fun

i look at porn first then i lift my leds up and finger myass

Smooth Operator

First i get my penis warmed up, then is gently stoke mypenis on the head (were its most sensitive) after that i addsum lube and i extend my stroke through out my entire penisand then start to gently massage my balls. And this is donefor as long as it takes to "CUM" or have and Orgasm

Heel Pussy

I kneel on my bed with my feet (heels to toes) hang over theedge of the bed. I then put my penis between my two anklesand thrust up and down until I cum.

Teaching the penis the right sensations

Clenched fists

The vibration technique

Put your penis on a subwoofer and crank up the volume.

The Blow job

Spit in both hands, sometimes non alcohol hair gel

pullin the meat

my favorite way to jerk off would have to be no lube just topull on it with my left hand while the right hand is pullingmy balls or even as a straight guy massaging my anus whichreally get my rocks off good

the longer the better

Some baby oil and a good working hand while watching a greatporn just jacking off for about 30 to 40 minutes then cumingoh god the longer the better.

{ 13 comments… add one }
  • wank off February 18, 2011, 10:51 pm

    Put on loose cotton pant (no underwear). Read any erotic story or watch porn or do wateva u like. Ur small bro starts responding. Then play 4rm outsite. Afterawhile put ur hand inside d pocket and jerk ur hard bro 4rm thr. Soft pocket cloth n hard jerk really matches. Enjoy :p

  • Gilamai August 3, 2011, 7:38 am

    Iam enjoying the mastrubate my cock placing between the boobs lubricating.Its thrilling

  • Ass lover September 7, 2011, 7:49 am

    First of all you need to be certain that no one can hear you or could walk in while ur doin it u need to be relaxed and thinking about nothing else… first thing I do is lie on my bed with everythin I need ie plenty lube and a dildo if I’m really horny. I don’t watch porn when Im doing it as you just concentrate on that and there is no porn that could match ur own imagination.. I start by touching myself all over and softly tickling over whatever underwear i am wearing (I usually wear a jock strap as it’s easy access everywhere and I feel sexy wearing it) I then pull my jock to the side so my dick and balls are both out and tickle my balls this makes my cock throb loads! Then I get the lube and put LOADS on my hands. First I lube my balls up and run my hand right under to the top of my arse with some pressure circling my finger around my hole and gently puttin the tip of my finger in and massaging it. Then with my other hand and even more lube I run it up my cock sliding up and down until it’s all wet everywhere down there should be wet now and can’t stress enough u can never have enough lube I first start gently then gradually get faster and harder still stroking your balls and arse with your other hand, if I use a dildo I always do it in front of the mirror in as many positions as I can but like I said that’s when I’m really horny! Make alot of noise by moaning, sayin what u are fantasying and the lube should be making alot of noise too.. when I’m about to cum (and don’t be afraid to go way over the top when you do cum) I let go of my cock and grab onto the head board close my eyes moaning loudly and shoot loads which usually covers my body and face, then it’s time to chill and play a bit and if you are up for it, do it all again!

  • the masturbator June 29, 2012, 3:02 am

    I likE to masturbate for hours. 2 minimum upto 6. When I do finally cum, it is THE ULTIMATE ORGASM. The lube I love is equal parts petroleum jelly and baby oil. A mess afterwards but totally worth the clean up effort. I smoke a go fast, watch porn and ID RATHER MASTURBATE THEN BE WITH A CHICK. nothing more satisfying than a long, sensual, uninterrubted masturbation session. I really get off doing it someplace public. An adult theater where strangers watch me is the best. HAPPY MASTURBATION Y’ALL. STRIVE FOR THE ULTIMATE O……

  • Patrick November 20, 2012, 4:04 pm

    Get naked first-much better in the nude.
    Get a bottle that is just a bit smaller in diameter. The smaller diameter grips the foreskin as you push your penis in.
    Trap the bottle under the mattress on your bed, adjust your height, slide your penis in, thrust and ejaculate.

  • bustanut March 13, 2013, 4:33 pm

    Take a reusable water bottle and latex glove with fingers cut out. Insert penis sqeeze bottle for sucking affect and enjoy. Best blowjow and orgasm when alone.

  • Christopher July 10, 2013, 5:13 pm

    I stick a vibrator up my arse and wank with one hand and push the vibrator in and out on max buzz with the other. When I come my body quivers !!!

  • Christopher October 16, 2013, 9:01 pm

    I begin layin in bed and just stroke my cock when it is inside my underwear and then get it nice and hard. After a while of stroking with it, i pull out my ipad and begin to watch some porn. Then my dick will get superhard and then i will begin with slowly touching my penis. After a while i pull out some lotion and put a nice load on my cock, then i rub my penis in with the lotion. And then i will spit all over my cock and then it is all wet and sloppy, and then i will start jackin it feels amazing and the load is unreal

  • john doe October 26, 2014, 8:56 am

    [inverted masturbation]
    for this one, you need either gravity boots or an inversion table.
    All you need to do is strip down to either your briefs or be fully nude, strap on the boots and hang from a fixture you can hang from easily (or strap yourself in on the table and get fully inverted), then wank smoothly to your content. the good part is getting an orgasm from the gravity high from being upside down. just be sure to have a towel under you since the cum might hit your face and chest.

  • Bobby Nelson August 20, 2015, 9:27 pm

    This is an amazing learning experience and if found at least 10 that work for me.

  • clit style October 12, 2015, 1:37 am

    this one is unusual. if youre chubby and have a small kind of pencil dick. your soft cock isnt visible because it hides in your fat. so you just lube it up and fuck it with a vibrator like its a pussy. some of us chubs can do this. feels heavenly

  • Dave March 3, 2016, 12:48 pm

    I get a large box of kitchen matches and strike them about 6 inches below my cock letting them just tease my cock and balls the warmth and the smell of the sulphur makes my cock rock hard as I do this I rub my cock in my hand it tickles a lot I prefers to have some one else strike the matches but I strike them for myself too striking them hard so they pop on the match box hard and fast teasing my socks underside and tip then rubbing my cock in my hand while placing the match box against my balls I keep doing this in till I sum very hard it usually only takes about 20 matches or so for a large orgasm

  • Taner October 14, 2016, 2:03 pm

    Get naked from the waist down. Open your favorite porn on your laptop. Lay stomach down on the floor, put a pillow under your elbows for comfort, and tuck your penis under you. Slide back a little bit and apply pressure. Wiggle your legs a bit. I can masturbate for HOURS this way.

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